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En el espacio donde debería estar la ranura para equipar un escudo se cambió y no me deja equiparmelo, en su lugar puedo poner otra arma pero no el escudo. 

Gracias. Lo comprobaremos

there seem to be few things that have been missed translation or something when speaking to Simen and when checking the quest info for the quest getting the herbs. 

Thank you We will fix it

Since I've been playing through the new update,  most issues I've found are in regard to minor spelling and grammar mistakes. I don't want to clog the comment section here with my postings. Do you have a Discord or some other preferred place to post about any issues besides Itch?

Thank you!

(3 edits)

I went to bed early last night and didn't get a chance to accept the invite before it expired. Sorry to ask this, but, since we're in different time zones, and I don't think I will be able to accept any invites on time before they expire, could you send me a friend request through Discord instead? My username is the same.

Sorry, I can’t find you by username Wardian_71

Here is new invite

Or you can find me by yourself. My nickname: thomasward

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! The invite works this time! Yay! Sorry for the back and forth.

It’s okay ;)

If you change your party formation and have Ulfa in the lead, and win a battle, the victory text reads, "Ulfa and his party..." instead of, "Ulfa and her party..."

Maybe there’s something we don’t know about Ulfa…

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There is a line of dialogue from Simen that is in Russian instead of English.

There is also some text on the bottom of the interface box for planting crops that is also in Russian instead of English.

Thank you! We will check it out


Can't seem to talk to Ulfa to give the potion.

Did you create Place for her in Eirik’s house?

Yeah. I think its because i managed to get to her second place before getting the potion.


We will check it out. Thanks

ola quando o game vai ter uma tradução portuguea?


Este ano, planeamos lançar traduções para as línguas mais populares utilizando a AI

does the game keep my save files after updating?

What version (android, win, lin, mac) do you play?

I went from 0.5.2 win - 0.6.0 win. I ended up finding the save files and just copied it over to the new one.

Yes, it will work

(2 edits)

Привет, только что закончил обновление с Ульфой.  Хочу сказать, что оно получилось крутым и интересным, но коротким. Обязательно буду играть в следующие версии! 

У меня есть вопрос: возможно ли в нынешней сборке построить обеденную зону 2? У меня есть нужные материалы (я их купил), но построить всё равно не могу.

Привет! Очень рады, что тебе понравилось! Да, обновления стали несколько меньше, но мы будем стараться выпускать их гораздо чаще

Можешь пожалуйста скинуть скрин на котором у тебя открыт крафт Обеденной зоны второго уровня?

(1 edit)

Вам нужно ещё 4 Крепления

Похоже на экран не влезает больше 6 предметов… Мы исправим эту ситуацию в следующем обновлении

Что делать, если после того как я отдаю микстуру мне выдает ваще сообщение об окончании версии и кидает в меню.


Привет! Это конец публичного билда. Дальше либо подписываться на Patreon, либо ждать продолжения здесь

В следующем обновлении у нас запланировано поселение Лягушек

(6 edits)

I downloaded the linux version, but I can't figure out which file runs the game. I've tried Game.desktop and a few other files, but none of them worked. The handful of games I've downloaded for linux have used a .sh or a .py file, but there are no such files in the game folder, so I have no idea. Help please?

Hello! You need these steps:

  1. Go to the game folder
  2. Open it in the terminal
  3. Run command chmod +x nw
  4. Run command ./nw

It doesn’t look easy, but that’s why we love linux 😁

(1 edit)

Thank you! Unfortunately, when I followed the instructions, the terminal threw up a list of errors and didn't launch the game. Looking at the error output, I think the errors might be distro specific and not necessarily the game, I'm not sure. I'm not well-versed in understanding console error messages. Did you want me to post a screenshot of it here? I run Fedora 40 with Plasma by the way.

Not sure if I can help as I’ve been testing on Ubuntu

What do you think about downloading the win version and running it with wine?

Well, I've been using Bottles for the previous versions of the game and know how to run that with no issues. I just figured since you went through all the effort to make a Linux version, that I would download that and give it shot. Bummer that Fedora isn't playing nice. Anyways, I'll just use Bottles then.

Thank you so much for the feedback!

We will try to figure out why the game doesn’t work with Fedora

(2 edits)

I took a screenshot of the errors I got in the terminal. Would it be helpful to you if I were to post the image here?

A screenshot and the text itself, if you’d be comfortable with that, please

Do you build in private, or do you stream? If you streamed at all I would join.

We don’t record streams, but we’d always love to see your letsplay!

Обнова прям перед моим др (20сентября) спасибо за подарок)


Рады стараться! С наступающим днём рождения! ;)


The game got blocked on my phone for being unsafe is it ok for me to play on my phone?


Yes. We are not in PlayMarket and we have not received official certification from Google, so the Android system does not know us and marks us as potentially dangerous

But I assure you, there is no danger to you with our app (Except that you may fall in love with Mary, but we warned you!)

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I have gotten stuck after interacting with tier 2 home improvement items, the bed and the workshop in the basement. Had to reset from a previous save in order to fix. 

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Can you elaborate on what happened?
Do you still have the save?


So how goes the work on the next update release date 

(1 edit) (+1)

It’s very close
On Patreon it comes out this Sunday, on itch next week

thanks bro


А на сколько больше сейчас контента в полной версии? В %

Сложно сказать именно в процентах. Мне проще сказать в часах, где-то примерно 1-1.5 часа геймплея


Понял, спасибо

Please if it is possible to put sex with the ulfa in the next update 


He-he-he. Just wait ;)

Hey sorry for bothering you but I'm having a lot of trouble finding fagops house in the swamp if I could have some help I would really appreciate it. thank you for you time

Okay never mind I found a map you posted in older comments but while we are on the topic of quests I must mention I don't know how to enter the third therapy session it says something about her being crazy then dosent let me enter

Hello! Just go home and have some sleep ;)

You will be awakened by unusual smoke and you will get a continuation of events

okay thank you! 

Hello, foxtail, I am actively waiting for your game update, you said that the update will be released in August, what is the reason for the delay? (I am not angry, I am just curious why the delay)

Hello! Happy to have you following our news! There are several reasons for the delay. First of all we had to redesign the dating mechanics, the old implementation required a lot of effort to add each new stage, now it will be easier. Secondly we want to make sure of the quality of the next build, the last release was full of bugs, we had to release several hotfixes, we don’t want to repeat this situation

First of all, I apologize for my terrible english. 

I would love to tell how my experience with this game was, but there is no enough words to describe how wonderful this game is. Not only about the nsfw features, but the whole game.

I assume there is another already released episode, but for members only, and that is what I wanted to talk about. I believe that If there is another episode avaliable, I can get it from patreon. Therefore, the platform only accepts paypal and credit cards as payment methods. I don't have any credit cards and my paypal always have an excuse so I can't put any money on it. I was wondering if there is another way we could do that transaction, because I want to support the developers and get access to the newest features. If there is any way to make this work out, let me know.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for your kind words! We are very pleased to hear such feedback about our game.

Unfortunately for now the paid build is only available on Patreon, in the future we want to consider other platforms, for example SubscribeStar, but most likely you will face the same payment problems.

We keep our itch up to date, so you can just subscribe to us here and get updates on the latest public builds

Попробуйте сделать аккаунт на бусте, и там продавайте новые версии если конечно возможно.

Привет, хотел у вас узнать , я никогда не скачивал игры на RPG Maker. И хотел у Вас узнать куда девается все сохранения для Андроида? Я спрашиваю чтобы потом когда буду удалять никаких "следов" не осталось)) а то забыл сделать отдельную папку...


Оно лежит в папке с игрой. Поэтому если вы удалите с телефона игру, то потеряете и все сохранения. В связи с этим мы рекомендуем не удалять игру, а устанавливать новые версии поверх

Благодарю за пояснение)

How do you transfer saves to Android?


just installing a new version of the game over the old one. saves are not erased

the main thing is not to delete the game itself

Are all the displayed images on the side accessible because i have not seen  tina or roxy in my playthrough?


Some content is only in Patreon build yet

The game is very nice, but my story was interrupted due to dracocephalum (dracocephalum). I cut off the roots of all the flowers in rows and squeezed their water, but it didn't work. I would appreciate it if you could help me.

Thank you!

Please, check out the guide

changed where the Demo ends or does it still end at the same time as the old versions?


No. There is a lot of additional content

How to get the Lilly flower sap ??

Please, check out the guide

Please tell me how I can pay for a subscription from Russia? Or do you have a boosty? If you have a boosty, can you please send me a link to it so that I can subscribe and play your game, I just don't want to play pirated versions, because I want to support you, or rather your game product.

P.S: - I wrote all this through Google translator, since I speak English very poorly

Привет! К сожалению подписка возможна только через Patreon, Boosty у нас нет. Не знаю, что тут можно посоветовать, можно погуглить - оплатить Patreon из России, скорее всего есть какие-то варианты На Boosty запускать пока не планируем

its pretty fun so far. I like how its kinda survival-esque and how the progression and other thing in the games are just a combination of the other games I enjoy.

Thank you!


More Merigold and Ulfa please (mostly merigold)


In next update something waiting for you ;)

Hi sorry but I'm on android and I don't know how to open the inventory to equip the stone sword 

Do you have last android build? Can you please provide a screenshot?

Через сколько ПРИМЕРНО будет продолжение ЭТОГО ШЕДЕВРА👉👈?


Работаем. Надеемся, что до конца этого месяца!


Удачи вам! Надеюсь, что ваша команда сможет доделать/сделать продолжение данного ШЕДЕВРА до конца этого месяца, но если даже и нет.. то все равно буду его с нетерпением ждать!)



How to enter abandoned house in the looking for hannah quest

Did you find an axe?


Hannah is in the barn to the right of the abandoned house. To get into the barn, take the axe, it is located near the entrance to the barn

what is the three digit code 

(2 edits)



Can we rename the M.C ( Eirik)

Unfortunately no. His name is important to the plot

que llevas o que se debe llevar al zorro

Puede utilizar nuestra guía

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Unlimited Crabblet Meat Trick!!!

Kill all the crabs in this area:

Go inside this cave.

Come Outside.

All the crabs are respawned.

If you have stone sword then you can kill most of the crabs with one shot with barely taking any damage and you can earn as many crabbler meat as you want. Maybe this trick will work in any cave but this location is the best for nearby crabs.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature! =D

And seriously, now enemies respawn after every map reload. In the future, we may tie it to the time of day. You can farm crabblers, but the level requirements are increasing and in order not to be stuck on the coast for a few days, you will need to find yourself a more serious opponent


Any plan on regrowth of boarberry?


There are plans for future plants and fertilisers, which together will have an effect far superior to that of the boarberry

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I farmed the crabs until I was lvl. 7 and I solo'd the big crab. I just started playing and didn't realize the story wasn't completely built by then. took me 4 and a half hours to complete the recent build.

Скажите, пожалуйста.. как я могу перенести свои сохранения с версии 0.5.1 на версию 0.5.2?

Да, конечно. Просто скопируйте сохранения в соответствующую папку

Ага. Спасибо огромное за подсказку! А как попасть к Рокси?

В Patreon версии она появляется в Поселении Лягушек

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Игра запала мне прям в сердце , В неё приятно играть и персонажи очень запоминающиеся надеюсь проект будет развиваться  до гигантских маштабов! Спасибо вам! 

я бы за отдельную плату \ ну или бесплатно попросил бы добавить отдельного скрытного персонажа кастомного я уже даже подготовил все для него реплики и то-что он будет делать 

игра 10\10

Советую поиграть

Спасибо за ваши тёплые слова!

Лисий хвост, привет!) А можешь сделать побольше сцен с Рокси?


Обязательно добавим в будущем. Пока у нас в работе Ульфа ;)

do you have plans to add a gallery for the game it would be a nice thing to have if we want to see a scene again witout having to play the game from the start

Yes, in future updates there will be some sort of alchemical device that allows you to re-live your memories

I’m sure you know exactly how Eirik will use it ;)

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